
The Perennial Philosophy Reloaded

This book provides a readable overview of the Perennial Philosophy’s answers to “life’s biggest questions,” including what is the meaning of life?  What is the nature of mystical experience and why is it valuable to know?  What is the nature of Nature itself?  What is the value of art?  Who are the primary perennial philosophers today?

Aldous Huxley, A Biography 

This biography, unlike all previous biographies of the famous intellectual, focuses on the development of Huxley’s philosophical ideas, including his theories of mystical experience, psychedelic experience, and the Perennial Philosophy.

Huston Smith: Wisdomkeeper

This is the authorized biography of the renowned scholar of world religions and theorist of the Perennial Philosophy, who was a dear friend and inspiration.  Huston’s amazing career as a bridge-builder between faiths has had an enormous lasting effect.  Moreover, he was an early supporter of Native American rights and an early advocate for exploring the spiritual potentialities of psychedelics.

Aldous Huxley and Self-Realization 

This book, for which I was chief editor and contributor, was published in Germany by the Centre for Aldous Huxley Studies, located at the University of Muenster.  It  contains scholarly articles analyzing Huxley’s thoughts on consciousness expansion, human potentialities, and self-actualization.

The Transcendental Meditation Movement

The ‘TM’ movement, started by the Beatles’ guru, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, was, and is, the most successful yoga and meditation movement ever  to come out of India and the 1960s.  What was its history?  What became of the Maharishi and his TM movement?  How does it relate to other new religious movements and Neo-Hindu movements in the U.S. today?  This short book, co-authored with my friend Cynthia Humes, answers these questions.